Noa Wins at the Best Design Awards 2023
Established in the mid seventies to celebrate New Zealand's best graphic design, the National Graphic Design Awards attracted 300 entries in its first year, exhibiting 130 works as part of a touring exhibition and lecture series.

We want to share a big thank you to the Design Institute of New Zealand and the judges - and of course to you, our customers and whānau who have supported and believed in our brand, allowing us to continue to grow and share our stories. E kore e mutu ngā mihi ki a kōtou katoa!
Made entirely here in Aotearoa, Noa blankets give a deeper meaning to the ceremony of gift giving, sharing treasured designs, reflecting our identity and supporting the transmission of intergenerational knowledge through art & textile. Each design narrative we retell is a unique expression and extraordinary perspective of our common values, intentionally drawing on Te Ao Māori, the fullness of our natural world and our place in it.
Each blanket is a vibrant tapestry that tells a story, featuring patterning and design elements that not only warm and calm a restless body, but is a work of art, a tāonga, a collaboration of culture and colour, a woven representation of our communities, and our Nation's strength and resilience - in a fabric which in itself is apart of our story, wool. We believe sharing our individual story reiterates our connectedness, as the essence of each celebrates our shared core values. These stories take on new life as they are shared, its message becoming personalised to the individual, an unending narrative that continues to weave strands and story together, long after it has come off our loom. Ever-growing in its richness and meaning for years to come.
The Limitless Range embodies our ambition to live intentionally, to acknowledge each step in the pursuit of our goals. An individual thread woven into our tapestry of life and is the latest addition to our family of blankets. This award-winning range of tāonga is the first ‘woven to order’ offering compared to previous Limited Edition collections. It is always available to order and is online now.