The Wayfarer - Limited Edition
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4 products
As Tamanuiterā joins the winter maiden Hinetakurua, Matariki rises with the sun. Great people fade from sight to become stars in the sky, we reflect on those gone before, their teachings guide us from the coldest night into the dawn of a new season. We explore their legacy to see our way forward, the past giving vision of the future.
Like a wayfinder, a compass always on bearing to life the stories from yesteryear guide us, even in times of uncertainty. Stories are repositories of our knowledge, our observations of our environment, our experiences and learnings over the ages and people are the living repositories of our stories. We want this collection to provide insight into the aspects of wayfinding, to share stories that acknowledge the many tohu or signs that guide us as we journey through life together. The value of the environment informing us of seasonal change, the many qualities of a leader to spy opportunity and navigate a way forward for the people, the value of clear out front communication to collectivize the many and the value of our providers, hosting and caring, establish enduring relationships.
Tītiro whakamuri, anga whakamua. Look to the past,to progress forward.